WSQ 05 – On To Functions

Captura de pantalla 2017-10-09 a la(s) 18.36.47

In this activity I had to use for the first time formulas outside of the main, (not like in the last activities where all the processes took place inside of the main). I used formulas to get the result of several arithmetic operations, like a sum, a subtraction, a multiplication, a division and the remainder of it. To print those results I used a «cout» for each of the operations mentioned, and I returned to call the formula previously written above the main, writing inside the parenthesis the variables used in that formula.

-> For example (division):

int D (int x, int y){

return (x/y);


int x, y;

using namespace std;

int main(){

cout<< «The result of the division of those two numbers is:  » << D(x,y) << endl;
